Mechanism, Diagnosis and Development of Demagnetization Fault for PMSM in Electric Vehicle |
Li Hongmei, Chen Tao, Yao Hongyang |
Hefei University of Technology Hefei 230009 China |
Abstract With the low-carbon economy’s extension to the transportation field, electric vehicles (EV) and its relevant technology gets rapid development, as the power source of EV, the reliable operation of the motor and its drive system is the key factor to ensure safe and stable operation of EV. Now, permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSM) is becoming the preferred choice in this field due to their well known advantages, and the permanent magnet rotor is one of the most critical components of PMSM, which determines its performance, efficiency and drive system’s reliability, and therefore, it is very importance to monitor the quality of permanent magnet in real time. For this purpose, through organizing the existing literatures and reviewing the previous research results, the demagnetization fault mechanism is first analyzed, and some comparison and summarization on existing fault diagnostic technology are made, and then the development trends and some solutions of key technology are put forward for demagnetization fault diagnosis. Abovementioned work aims to open up a new way for safe and reliable operation of EV.
Received: 20 September 2012
Published: 25 March 2014
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