A Hybird Active Compensation Device for Current Balance Based on Inductive Filtering Transformer |
Zhu Hongping, Li Yan, Wang Junnian |
Hunan University of Science and Technology Xiangtan 411201 China |
Abstract In order to reduce the influence of harmonic on PWM inverter device in the hybrid active compensation device for current balance applied to electrical railway system, the inductive filtering transformer is used instead of the output transformer. The filtering winding of the inductive filtering transformer accessed to LC filters can compensate most reactive power and main character harmonic currents. its feature can avoid voltage harmonic or reflowing current influence on DC side voltage rise, and help the PWM inverter device stability. In order to eliminate the negative sequence current of traction substation, the PSO-BP algorithm based on neural network is proposed to detect active current, direct control method for power supply current to balance the active current of two traction arms, and dynamic compensation reactive power and harmonic currents, the active current of traction transformer’s two output arms was equal. This paper introduces the topology and principle of the device, and the simulation and experimental resuls show that this device can effectively improve the quality of power grid.
Received: 31 May 2012
Published: 25 March 2014
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