A Chaotic Carrier Frequency Modulation Technique of Two-Stage Matrix Converters with Simple Commutation |
Qi Chen, Chen Xiyou |
School of Electrical Engineering Dalian University of Technology Dalian 116024 China |
Abstract The two-stage matrix converter (TSMC) with fixed carrier frequency has discrete and high peaks in the spectra of output line voltages, which produce powerful electromagnetic interference. In this paper, a chaotic carrier frequency modulation technique (CCFMT) is applied in TSMC for the first time to spread sideband range and suppress harmonic peaks. The spectra of output voltages were analyzed and ripples of input and output currents are also studied. However, the CCFMT will increase the difficulty of commutation. Thus, the rectifier in TSMC uses the PWM modulation containing zero vectors to extent zero current commutation time, and carrier and modulation waveforms are also properly chosen to simplify commutation processes. An experimental platform is designed and experimental results show that harmonics of line voltages are efficiently suppressed.
Received: 21 February 2013
Published: 25 March 2014
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