Research of Auxiliary Inverter Control Strategy Based on New Resonant Controller |
Chen Jie, Diao Lijun, Du Huiqing, Fu Yao, Liu Zhigang |
School of Electric Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing 100044 China |
Abstract With increasingly prominent role of rail transportation in the entire urban transport system, auxiliary inverter applications are increasingly being used. First of all, the paper introduces several common structures and analyzes their respective advantages and disadvantages. Secondly, the midpoint potential offset and unbalanced load in split-capacitor inverter are discussed in essence. The paper presents a control strategy based on the new resonant controller, and analyzes the characteristics and parameters design of the new controller in detail. Then, the paper constructs the simulation model based on S-Function and simulates the sequence of actual DSP system, and verifies the effectiveness of the control system. Finally, the paper carries out experiment about midpoint potential offset and unbalanced load, which demonstraes That the new resonant controller has superior performance in these two areas.
Received: 11 May 2012
Published: 25 March 2014
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