Wide-band Modeling Method Based on the Fractional Order Differential Theory |
Liu Xin1, 2, Cui Xiang1, Liang Guishu2, Ma Long2 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Source North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China 2. North China Electric Power University Baoding 071003 China |
Abstract According to the problems of electromagnetic, overvoltage protection and insulation coordination in the power system, communication system and railway power system, et. al., the electric equipment, transmission line and grounding system, et. al. should be modeled considering their frequency dependent characteristic. The vector fitting method is a general method to be used to approximate the network parameter by the rational function, however, this method does not fully consider the fractional order characteristic of the frequency dependent effect, which will result in a relative complicate model. Based on the fractional order differential theory, this paper presents a general wide-band modeling method. In this method, the Levy’s identification method is used to approximate the measured or calculated frequency domain network function with the irrational function, in which the powers of the Laplace operator s is non-integer and the corresponding fractional order differential equation can be obtained by the Laplace inverse transformation. Combining with the numeric solution to the fractional order differential equation, a time domain simulation can be implemented. Considering the indispensability of the passivity verification of a system for the transient simulation, the passivity verification method for the traditional state-space system is extended to the fractional order state-space system and a practical criterion is proposed in this paper.
Received: 09 October 2012
Published: 25 March 2014
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