Sliding Mode Variable Structure Control of Matrix Rectifiers |
Liu Xiao, Zhang Qingfan, Hou Dianli |
Shandong University Control Technology and Engineering Collage Jinan 250061 China |
Abstract In order to improve the poor output performance of matrix rectifiers under distorted supply voltages, and reduce the input power factor angle caused by the input filter, a novel sliding-mode variable structure based matrix rectifier control scheme is proposed. Theoretical principle and design progress is discussed in detail, including modeling the variable structure system, selecting the switching surfaces, deriving the reaching conditions and the control laws, designing the switching table. The experimental comparison between the proposed control scheme and conventional PI control scheme is carried out. The obtained results show that, SMVSC based matrix rectifier possesses good steady-state performance, fast dynamic response, unity input power factor, and exhibits robustness and insensitiveness to grid-side and load-side perturbations.
Received: 18 June 2012
Published: 25 March 2014
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