Calculation of Hunan Power Grid Icing Recurrence Interval Based on Pearson III Type Probability Distribution |
Lu Jiazheng, Zhang Hongxian, Peng Jiwen, Fang Zhen, Li Bo |
Hunan Electric Power Corporation Research Institute State Grid Corporation Anti-Icing & Reducing-Disaster Technology Key Laboratory of Power Transmission and Transformation Equipments Changsha 410007 China |
Abstract Icing recurrence interval is a token of specifically ice-cover frequency. It is very important to master exact icing recurrence interval for power grid anti icing. Using the 57 years icing observation data of 97 weather observation stations, calculation method of power grid icing recurrence interval based on Pearson III Type Distribution is presented, and icing days for recurrence period of 15 years, 30 years, 50 years and 100 years are calculated. Icing day distributing maps of Hunan province are painted with interpolation arithmetic, which provide direction for anti icing of power grid. According to the rule that extra serious icing is more than 11 icing days, recurrence period of extra serious icing is calculated. The result shows that recurrence period of extra serious icing similarly 2008 year is 12.4 years. This is accordant with that there are four times extra serious ice-cover in past 57 years. Knowledge of importance for resisting ice disaster is improved by this paper.
Received: 04 May 2010
Published: 27 November 2013
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