A Basic Project for the Study on the Effect on the Electromagnetic Radiation Biology——Track Structure of Low-Energy Electrons in Liquid Water |
Tan Zhenyu, Zhang Liming, Wang Jing, Gao Hongxia |
Shandong University Jinan 250061 China |
Abstract In this paper a model of simulating the track structure of low-energy electrons in liquid water is presented. The electron inelastic cross-sections are obtained based on the dielectric response theory, in which the optical-data model newly developed by Emfietzoglou et al. is implemented and the low-energy Born-correction scheme composed of the Ochkur approximation and the classical Coulomb-field approach is used. In addition, a novel mean elastic cross-section based on the Mott model is adopted for electron elastic scattering in liquid water for high simulation efficiency. Using the present model, the calculation of the spatial distributions of both inelastic scattering events and energy depositions in liquid water is carried out, and the penetration parameters of low-energy electrons in liquid water are evaluated. These results are compared with other theoretical calculations, indicating that using the present model the track structure of low-energy electrons in liquid water can be exactly simulated.
Received: 31 December 2011
Published: 20 March 2014
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