Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverters Parallel System Based on Predictive Control |
Shen Kun1, Zhang Jing1, Wang Jian2 |
1. Hunan University Changsha 410082 China 2. Zhuzhou CSR Times Electric Co., Ltd. Zhuzhou 412001 China |
Abstract The three-phase voltage source inverters parallel system based on predictive control is studied in this paper. The state-space model of three-phase voltage source inverters parallel system in dq0 frame is established by the means of switch period averaging modeling, Based on this, the predictive model of three-phase voltage source inverters parallel control system is built. The difference value between the three-phase voltage source inverters parallel system output voltage and the reference voltage as well as the difference value between each inverter’s output current is selected to construct the system’s optimize performance indexes. After the operation of rolling optimization, the three-phase voltage source inverters parallel system applied the method of predictive control is realized. The results of simulation and experiment verify that the designed three-phase voltage source inverters parallel system based on predictive control is operating normally under different load conditions or in the operation of plugging into or pulling out one inverter in the system. The system’s output-voltage tracking and load-current sharing is achieved. In addition, the system shows good robustness and high adaptability.
Received: 21 March 2011
Published: 20 March 2014
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