DC Bus Voltage Balancing Control of Three-Phase Cascade Power Regulation System with Star Connection |
Wan Chengkuan1, 3, Yang Geng2, Zhang Tongshuo3, Wu Weiyang3, Lai Chengyi1 |
1. Chengdu Dongfang Hitachi Electric Control Co. Ltd Chengdu 611731 China 2. Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China 3. Key Lab of Power Electronics for Energy Conservation and Motor Drive Yanshan University Qinhuangdao 066004 China |
Abstract Three-phase cascade H-bridge (CHB) power regulation system (PRS) can be used for the dynamic adjustment of active and/or reactive power in power grid. This system consists of many sets of DC bus. Because of the performance differences of the electrical storage unit and load imbalance in DC bus, the DC link voltages are imbalance among different phases, which makes derating operation or even failure. This paper proposes a DC voltage balance method based on the negative-sequence-voltage injection. The principle of the method is described and the basic algorithms are derived for the implementation. The strategy is also compared with the zero-sequence voltage injection based strategy. The simulation and experimental results verify validity of the method.
Received: 31 December 2011
Published: 20 March 2014
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