Static Function of the Battery Energy Storage System |
Ding Ming, Xu Ningzhou, Lin Gende |
Anhui New Energy Utilization and Energy Saving Laboratory Hefei University of Technology Hefei 230009 China |
Abstract The empolyment of battery technologies is looming so large in power systems nowadays due to the innovation and development of new battery technologies. Among different applications, the Battery Energy Storage System is a very promising form of mass energy storage. To describe the static duty of BESS, which is also known as peak shaving or time shift, as well as reflecting its common nature and working pattern, a static model of BESS is established with two charge-discharge modes. By calculating the reliability indexes of power system, i.e. EENS and HLOLE, it is possible to quantify and evaluate the effects of BESS' peak shaving function. Numerical results prove the validity of this model. Additionally, an optimal BESS configuration problem is discussed functionally in this paper.
Received: 13 October 2010
Published: 20 March 2014
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