Intelligent Cycled Current Ice Melting Method and Its Critical Ice-Melting Current Study |
Shu Lichun, Luo Baosong, Jiang Xingliang, Hu Qin, Li Te, Lan Qiang |
State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology Chongqing University Chongqing 400044 China |
Abstract In this paper, intelligent cycled current ice melting method which groups the bundle conductor sub-conductors and allows the total transmission line load current to flow through each sub-conductor group to achieve the ice melting of the transmission line is proposed. Then based on the analysis of heat balance of the ice and conductor surface under critical ice melting condition in the glaze icing process, a method to calculate the critical current of intelligent cycled current ice melting method is established. The model is tested by experiment in artificial climate chamber. Finite element simulation model is also created. The results of them are basically consistent with each other. Then the factors affecting the critical ice-melting current are analyzed, and the critical ice-melting current under weather conditions of serious icing disaster in recent years is calculated and compared with the current corresponding to economic current density. The results show that: under the same conditions, the critical icing melting current for intelligent cycled current ice melting method is lower than the critical ice-melting current for DC Short-circuit method. Critical icing melting current is related to ambient temperature, wind speed and ice thickness. Under the same environmental parameters, the effect of ice thickness on critical icing melting current is not obvious, under the same ice thickness, critical icing melting current shows gradually saturated increasing trends with lowering ambient temperature or increasing wind speed. The current corresponding to economic current density is higher than the critical ice-melting current under weather conditions of serious icing disaster and retains sufficient margin. Therefore, intelligent cycled current in the view of choosing ice-melting current is feasible.
Received: 08 November 2011
Published: 20 March 2014
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