New Research Approach Using Dynamic Analysis for Ultra High Voltage(UHV)Transmission Transient Signal |
Li Yi1, 2, Wu Zhengqiu1, Wang Feng1, Liu Kaipei3, Lu Jiazheng4 |
1. Hunan University Changsha 410082 China 2. Zhangjiajie Electric Power Bureau of Hunan Power Grid Zhangjiajie 427000 China 3. College of electrical engineering, Wuhan University Wuhan 430072 China 4. Hunan Electric Power Test and Research Institute Changsha 410007 China |
Abstract It is important to protect the entire power grid for security, stability and reliable operation through identifying fault correctly and removing it rapidly for UHV AC transmission line. By PSCAD-EMTDC simulation, on the basis of comparing maximum overcurrent of the fault phase and non-fault phase for different faults types, from view point of dynamics, this paper analyses the variation rule of chaotic characteristics for fault signals. Utilizing the better anti-interference characteristics of Duffing chaos system for environmental interference, phase trajectory diagrams under different fault types are obtained by using fault signals detected as the perturbation input of system, and then the finger mark fault information is extracted using wavelet edge detection technique for each phase diagram. Finally, different fault types are classified accurately by fault signals using Duffing chaos system for one 750kV transmission line. Results show that this detection method has preferable ability to identify faults, whose validity is verified.
Received: 02 June 2010
Published: 20 March 2014
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