Expanded Continuous Power Flow Calculation of Master-Slave Joint Power System with Distributed Generators |
Wang Yanling1, 2, Han Xueshan1, Zhou Xiaofeng2 |
1. Shandong University Jinan 250061 China 2. Weihai Vocational College 264210 China |
Abstract Taking into account the impact of distributed generators, the transmission and distribution joint system is divided into master and slave system in this paper. Based on the analysis of dynamic characteristics of distributed generators, expanded power flow equations of master-slave joint system are derived. Then through the calculation of expended continuous power flow, the transmission capability of master-slave joint system is analyzed and is solved by master-slave decomposition and coordination method. Decomposition calculation of the master and slave system is to predict, correct and compute the load growth. Coordination calculation of the master and slave system is to eliminate the amount of voltage mismatch of root nodes. Such the expended continuous power flow calculation of master and slave system is achieved. Finally, the feasibility and effectiveness of the model and the method are testified by 94 nodes joint system and Weihai actual power system.
Received: 28 December 2010
Published: 20 March 2014
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