Flux Active Damping Control of the Doubly Fed Induction Generator under Grid Voltage Symmetrical Dip |
Zhang Lu, Jin Xinmin, Zhan Liangyu, Liu Jingdou |
Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing 100044 China |
Abstract The doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) system is sensitive to the grid disturbance and even breakdown, when the stator is directly connected to the grid during the grid faults. The parameters of DFIG incurs an under damping response and a long time of the transient flux oscillation. It is unfavorable for the fast reactive power compensation during the low voltage ride-through(LVRT). A fourth-order dynamic d-q model of DFIG is used in the paper. And based on the eigenvalues of the system matrix, the different damping rates of the transient stator-flux and its influence factors are investigated. An improved control strategy with the flux active damping(FAD) control by the rotor side converter(RSC)is presented. The damping rate of the transient flux is accelerated and flux oscillation is eliminated by means of the proper control to the rotor currents. The simulation and experimental results validate the theoretical analysis and the feasibility of the proposed control strategy. The damping rate of the transient flux is accelerated; meanwhile the flux oscillation, overvoltage and overcurrent of the rotor are decreased.
Received: 07 March 2012
Published: 20 March 2014
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