Review of the Efficient Wireless Power Transmission Technique for Electric Vehicles |
Cao Lingling, Chen Qianhong, Ren Xiaoyong, Ruan Xinbo |
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Nanjing 210016 China |
Abstract Wireless power transimission (WPT) technique will become the development trend of energy supply system for electric vehicles (EV), which features the advantages of energy saving, low pollution and low-carbon emission. It is pointed out that electromagnetic induction and electromagnetic resonance of the three commonly used WPT techniques are more suitable for EV charging owing to their higher efficiency. With the purpose of efficient energy transfer for EV power system, a review on the topology, control and transformer of current-used WPT technique is made. It is indicated that contactless transformer is the major bottleneck restricting the system’s efficiency, and further, the main problems to be solved and related research to be conducted for a more efficient transformer are discussed. As for electromagnetic induction WPT, the problems of “low coupling coefficient” of the contactless transformer and “uneven distribution of magnetic flux” in mobile charging system are introduced, and possible solutions are provided. With respect to electromagnetic resonance WPT, this paper gives its research progress, and points out that it provides a new idea for an efficient medium-range energy transfer, though there are still large amounts of technical blind spots.
Received: 25 August 2010
Published: 20 March 2014
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