Study of the Harmonic Producing Characteristics of the Thyristor Controlled Reactors |
Sun Yuanyuan1, Yin Zhiming1, Zheng Weijie2, Liu Ying3 |
1. Shandong University Jinan 250061 China 2. China Electric Power Research Institute Beijing 100192 China 3. Shandong Electric Power Corporation Jinan Power Supply Center Jinan 250021 China |
Abstract Based on the harmonically coupled matrix model of the Thyristor Controlled Reactors (TCRs), the harmonic producing characteristics of the TCRs were researched in this paper. The harmonic matrix model gives an obvious illustration of the coupling relationship between the TCRs’ harmonic voltages and harmonic currents. One of the most significant advantages of the model is that, all the matrix elements are given in an analytical form, which can be used as the basis for the TCRs’ harmonic producing characteristics analysis. Based on the physical significance and elements variation analysis, the key factors affecting the TCRs harmonic generation have been found out. Furthermore, three simplified models, such as the constant current source model, the Norton equivalent model and the model ignoring the harmonic voltage conjugates, were proposed. Moreover, the simplified model accuracy sensitivity to the firing angle was also analyzed. Study finds out that, when the firing angle is less than 70°, all the simplified models simulation waveforms nearly overlap the waveforms of the accurate model; however, when the firing angle is larger than 70°, all three simplified models bring in some accuracy discrepancies. The contribution of the paper can be used as the theoretical foundation for the future harmonic model selection for the TCRs.
Received: 31 August 2011
Published: 20 March 2014
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