Research on Current Control Mode Single-Phase Dynamic Voltage Regulator Based on Pole-Assignment and Repetitive Control |
Huang Zhaoxia, Zou Xudong, Tong Li, Kang Yong, Huang Qingjun |
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan 430074 China |
Abstract This paper first proposes a control strategy for dynamic voltage regulator (DVR)direct load current control strategy. Through directly and properly controlling the load current of the series transformer, the goal of dynamic compensation for load voltage could be realized indirectly. With the τ-type transformer equivalent circuit, precise DVR system control model is derived. In order to improve the steady and dynamic compensation performance, a compound controller incorporating the state feedback pole assignment and repetitive control is adopted towards the LCL type filter; meanwhile, taking the effects of excitation current into account, transformer excitation current is added to the current control instruction for further enhancing the load voltage compensation accuracy. Simulation and experiment results proved that the control strategy in this paper could realize favorable load voltage compensation performance when network voltage fluctuates or sudden load changes.
Received: 03 September 2010
Published: 20 March 2014
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