Mutual Inductance Calculations of Inclined Axial Air-Core Circular Coils with Rectangular Cross-Sections |
Luo Yao, Chen Baichao, Yuan Jiaxin, Cheng Zihao |
Wuhan University Wuhan 430072 China |
Abstract In this work, the formulas for mutual inductance calculations of the coils mentioned in the title were derived by using method of equivalent circular loops and formula for mutual inductance between two arbitrarily located circular loops. Owing to the brevity of one-dimensional integral expression of the circular loops, the concise form of derived formulas is maintained. The mutual inductance of circular coils with rectangular cross-sections arbitrarily positioned can be calculated with sufficient accuracy, except the case of too short distance between coils. The derived formulas for the cases of coaxial and parallel axial coils were compared with the existing literatures, and those of inclined axial case were compared with exact formula to confirm the sufficient accuracy of derived formulas. The obtained formulas can be applied to calculate the mutual inductance of generally positioned coils with rectangular cross-sections and the decoupling position can be also determined by these formulas.
Received: 16 May 2011
Published: 20 March 2014
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