Fuzzy Pattern Recognition of Partial Discharge in XLPE Cable Based on Association Rule |
Yao Linpeng, Xu Yingmin, Qian Yong, Huang Chengjun, Jiang Xiuchen |
Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai 200240 China |
Abstract The article applies association rule mining and fuzzy inference mechanism to pattern recognition of partial discharge (PD) in XLPE cable, uses competitive agglomeration method in section division to show its discretization quality, and finds the relation between sections to collect classifying rules by association method. Then, the paper uses the fuzzy rules into pattern recoganition. This method can effectively discover the potential rules among characteristic parameters and the defect type. So it has great reference values for pattern recognition and fault diagnosis. Aiming at several typical XLPE cable discharge data, this paper extractes the relevant statistical characteristic parameters, classifies the defects by this method and makes a contrast analysis with the results from neutral network and C4.5 methods. Experimental results demonstrate the verification algorithm effective, furthermore, this technique has the advantage of better interpretation, time saving and dynamic interval, which makes it a new solution available for the pattern recognition of PD.
Received: 01 September 2010
Published: 20 March 2014
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