Abstract The noise in the insulator leakage current influences the analysis for the leakage current greatly. The improved ITD(intrinsic time-scale decomposition) is proposed, which is fit to de-noise the leakage current. In this method the distance scale is introduced to solve the rotation mixing problem. It avoids the situation that each PRC(proper rotation component) contained the frequency of the others. The extension of the two ends is introduced to solve the end effect problem. When the improved ITD is used to de-noise the leakage current at the safety stage, the formula calculating the decomposition number is proposed, which avoids the blindness of the decomposition. Based on the wavelet threshold and the special characteristics of the improved ITD, the threshold and the de-noising process are given. This proposed method is applied on the de-noising of the leakage current gathered in the high voltage experiment. The result shows that the proposed de-noising method smoothes the leakage current signal effectively and keeps its feature components well, which is superior to the de-noising result of the original ITD.
Received: 02 November 2011
Published: 27 November 2013
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