Study of Insulator Surface Discharge Quantification Method Based on Ultraviolet Imaging Image Information |
Lü Fangcheng, Dai Rijun, Wang Shenghui, Niu Yingbo |
Hebei Provincial Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment Security Defense North China Electric Power University Baoding 071003 China |
Abstract Ultraviolet(UV) imaging is an effective non-contact discharge detection method. In order to quantify the insulator surface discharge intensity with UV imaging method, in this paper the discharge facular area in UV image was selected as a UV image quantity parameter. Then the discharge UV imaging and electrical pulse signal characteristics were compared through experiment, and the relation curves of pulse amplitude, average pulse current with the facular area were obtained under the conditions of observe distance was 9m and several typical device gains. The vary characters of UV and visible images parameters with the increased detection distance is researched, and it shows that the parameters of UV and visible images had the approximate attenuation characteristics. Based on the above research work, a discharge imaging region area estimation method by means of visible image information was proposed. With this method, it avoides the problem that under different observe distance the detection result was lack of comparison. Finally, the support vector regression machine model is established and realized the estimation of discharge intensity.
Received: 25 October 2011
Published: 19 March 2014
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