Key Technologies for DC Micro-Grids |
Wu Weimin1, He Yuanbin1, Geng Pan1, Qian Zhaoming2, Wang Yousheng2 |
1. Shanghai Maritime University Shanghai 200135 China 2. Zhejiang University Hangzhou 310027 China |
Abstract DC micro-grids, as a self-management grid form of integrating distributed energy systems with utility power systems, will realize the value and benefit of the distributed energy resources efficiently and have a more flexible capability of reconfiguration. However, the barriers of its effective promotion are both the struggling quench of the DC current arc and the lack of common standards and guidelines, leading to a long conversion process mixed with conventional AC technologies and novel DC approaches. This paper presents a comprehensive overview of the current key technologies for DC micro-grid, including control, protection, netting modes, communication, power electronic converters, presenting with a goal of identifying DC micro-grid better. In the end, combined with China's actual power system conditions, it is proposed a tailor-made scheme brought into the residential sub-districts in cities.
Received: 29 September 2010
Published: 19 March 2014
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