Research of Back-EMF Estimation for Brushless DC Motor |
Liu Dongliang1,2,Cui Yanfei1,Chen Meibin1 |
1. Hangzhou Dianzi University Hangzhou 310018 China 2.Wolong Electric CO.,Ltd. Shangyu 312300 China |
Abstract Permanent magnet brushless DC motor(BLDC) has been widely applied in industry because it has high power density,high torque/current ratio and simple control advantages. However,back-EMF method of BLDC of traditional estimation for the motor position,its hardware circuit is relatively complex,real-time performance is poor,which limits the application of BLDC. This paper presents a new method of BLDC back-EMF detection method based on the extended Kalman filter,through the derivation in the BLDC based on the mathematical model,the stator current and back-EMF voltage as the state variable,establish the extended Kalman filter model. This algorithm does not need any additional detection circuit,it can realize steady state and transient accurate commutation and the precise control of motor speed. The experiment results show that the proposed algorithm is effective and feasible.
Received: 08 September 2012
Published: 11 December 2013
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