State Equations and Lift Force Control of Rotating Field Electrodynamic Levitation Device |
Zhu Xi, Fan Yu, Li Shuo, Qin Wei, Lü Gang |
Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing 100044 China |
Abstract A new maglev device-rotating field electrodynamic levitation is proposed. Rotating magnetic field (RMF) in its air-gap is generated by 3-phase AC current in the primary windings, and the interaction between RMF and secondary eddy current induced by RMF produces lift force. Stable electrodynamic magnetic levitation can be realized while the device is static. In order to analyze the device’s characteristics, electromagnetic model of this new device is established, multi-layer traveling magnetic field method is applied to solve the magnetic field distribution, and the results are used to calculate T-type equivalent circuit and state equations, designed levitation vector control system based on secondary flux oriented control. FE calculations and experiments are used to verify the field distributions, equivalent circuit parameters and lift force control results.
Received: 10 November 2010
Published: 10 March 2014
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