An Investigation on the Flicker of Fluorescent Lamp Caused by Interharmonic Voltages |
Wu Rui1, Jiang Yan2, Yong Jing1, Zhou Haibing1 |
1. Chongqing University Chongqing 400044 China 2. Chongqing Power Electric Power College Chongqing 400053 China |
Abstract Based on modulation theorem, theoretical study was carried out to obtain the input power fluctuation of the fluorescent lamp (FL) with self-oscillating electronic ballast supplied by voltages including interharmonics. And the relationship between characteristics of FL’s instantaneous power fluctuation and interharmonics is established. The simulation and experimental results confirm that the proposed methods are valid. Both theoretical and experimental results show that the interharmonic component included in supply voltage indeed leads flicker of FLs and the flicker frequency equals the voltage fluctuation frequency caused by interharmonics. The established relationship between FL’s instantaneous power fluctuation and interharmonics is helpful to further research on the evaluating flicker effect of interharmonics on FLs and framing the flicker limit standard of interharmonics.
Received: 01 November 2010
Published: 07 March 2014
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