Robust Cascaded Sliding-Mode Control Based on Fuzzy-Logic for Variable Speed DFIG Wind Turbines |
Zhang Xizheng1, 2, Wang Yaonan2 |
1. Hunan Institute of Engineering Xiangtan 411104 China 2. Hunan University Changsha 410082 China |
Abstract A fuzzy-logic-based sliding mode controller is proposed for wind energy conversion system with a variable speed DFIG. The controller is composed of the wind turbine sliding-mode controller and the DFIG sliding-mode controller. The turbine controller is used to achieve a robust tracking of the optimal blade rotor speed to optimize the wind energy capturing, and the DFIG controller is applied to ensure a robust tracking of both the generator torque and the rotor flux. The switching gains of the sliding modes are adapted based on the fuzzy interference system. The global controller is tested and validated on a flexible wind turbine simulator, and the results show that the proposed scheme has better performance and higher wind-energy-utilization ratio than the conventional feeback linearization method in presence of parameter variations.
Received: 13 October 2010
Published: 07 March 2014
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