Low Voltage Ride Through Control Strategy of Grid Side Converter for Double-Fed Induction Generators |
Yu Lan1, 2, Chen Guocheng1, Cao Dapeng1, Wu Guoxiang3, Chen Yuchen2 |
1. Shanghai University Shanghai 200072 China 2. Shanghai University of Engineering Science Shanghai 201620 China 3. Nantong University Nantong 226019 China |
Abstract Wind turbine’s operating condition during grid fault influences grid stability. Recently low voltage ride through (LVRT) of doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) became an important research topic. A grid side converter (GSC) LVRT control method is proposed in this paper based on GSC response characteristics during the grid symmetric fault. The method modifies the modulation voltage signal during the grid fault to control the AC input current and to stabilize the DC-link voltage. The test results prove that the GSC LVRT control method would make DC-link voltage stable and convert rotor power to the grid with a fast response.
Received: 11 October 2009
Published: 07 March 2014
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