Harmonic Detection Method Based on Conjugate Signal Parameters via Rotational Invariance Techniques |
Cheng Zhiyou1,2,Cheng Chen1,Fu Xuemin1,Wang Jiaqi2 |
1. Power Quality Engineering Research Center,Ministry of Education Hefei 230601 China 2.Anhui University Hefei 230601 China |
Abstract In this paper,a new algorithm conjugate signal parameters via rotational invariance techniques to estimate the frequency of the harmonics is presented. The C-SPRIT employs all element outputs to form separate sub-arrays which are fully overlapped. It uses the conjugate of rotation matrix instead of rotation matrix in array signal processing. The total least squares(TLS) is also employed here to decrease the influence of noise. The simulation examples demonstrate that the algorithm is capable of having higher precision and stronger anti-noise capacity. Real-time data analysis shows that the algorithm is feasible and available. It has some prospects in future.
Received: 27 June 2011
Published: 11 December 2013
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