Proportional-Resonant Control of Single-Phase PWM Rectifiers Based on Grid Voltage Prediction |
Gao Jilei, Lin Fei, Trillion Q Zheng |
Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing 100044 China |
Abstract Proportional-resonant control with harmonic compensator of PWM rectifiers can selectively eliminate grid current harmonic. However, the eliminated current harmonic order is limited by the current loop bandwidth. To make current loop stable, delay compensation must be considered when higher order harmonics need to be eliminated. With the increasing of eliminated harmonic numbers, the controller computation expense will become heavy. The influence of grid voltage harmonic on grid current is analyzed in this paper. The grid voltage predictive method is proposed to minimize the grid current harmonic as well as to obtain high dynamic performance with proportional-resonant current controller. Experimental results show that the grid current harmonic caused by grid voltage harmonic can be eliminated effectively by the proposed method.
Received: 25 October 2010
Published: 07 March 2014
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