Research on Power System Damping Controllers Based on Output Feedback and Region Poles Assignment |
Ma Yanfeng, Zhao Shuqiang, Gu Xueping |
North China Electric Power University Baoding 071003 China |
Abstract Based on the characteristics of power systems with uniform damping, the paper puts forward the design method of power system damping controllers which makes use of uniform damping thought and region pole assignment method to realize uniform damping control of low-frequency oscillation(LFO). First, the characteristics of power systems with uniform damping and the essence of damping LFO of controllers are analyzed, then considering the participate factors and the obtain of wide-area signal, input signals and location of controllers are chosen. Finally according to the damping of power system, feasible region of pole assignment is chosen and the paper converts the damping of LFO into the pole assignment problem of multi-machine damping controllers. Because the control goal is to make every mode with the same damping, which avoids decreasing damping of other modes in excess, the coordination of controllers is realized. At last, take the IEEE 4-machine 11-node system as example, the simulation of different operation modes indicates that the control method is valid and robust. The method puts forward a new thought for restraining LFO.
Received: 02 November 2009
Published: 07 March 2014
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