Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation of Three-Phase Four-Switch Shunt Active Power Filter |
Liu Hongchao, Lu Shengmin, Zhang Chunhui |
Hunan Electric Power Design Institute Changsha 410007 China |
Abstract According to the circuit analysis diagram under different switching modes, considering only four active voltage space vectors without zero voltage space in the TFSAPF, this paper makes duration time of the voltage space vectors U1 and U3 equal to form the zero voltage space vector when amplitudes of U1 and U3 are same while their directions are opposite. A pulse width modulation method based on voltage space vectors is proposed in this paper for three-phase four-switch shunt active power filter (TFSAPF). Some simulations and experiments are completed to verify viability and effectiveness of the proposed SVPWM algorithm.
Received: 11 July 2009
Published: 07 March 2014
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