Influence of Stator Dynamics and Operation Zone on Stability of Induction Generators |
Li Shenghu, Jia Yudong, Li Shaofei, Sun Shasha |
Hefei University of Technology Hefei 230009 China |
Abstract The 1st and 3rd order models of induction generators neglect the stator electromagnetic dynamics, and the 5th order model ignores the angular speed change of stator voltage. The mechanical torque is related to speed or power control zones, whose impact on the stability is not investigated. The influence of the model orders, operation zones, and stator speed on the small-disturbance stability of the induction generators are studied. It is found that with increasing wind power, the eigenvalue related to the rotor electromagnetic transient moves leftward, while that to the stator transient moves rightward. The initial slip is quantified based on the operation zones. It is found that the eigenvalue corresponding to the rotor electromagnetic transient under speed control has positive real part, which can not be directly applied to ordinary induction machines. It is proved from general sense that stator voltage angle is not a state variable. The critical eigenvalue of wind power system ignoring the stator speed change is optimistic, and the relative error is more notable with more induction generators.
Received: 08 October 2010
Published: 07 March 2014
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