A Novel Three-level Dual Buck Inverter |
Ji Baojian1, Zhao Jianfeng1, Hong Feng2 |
1. SoutheaSt UniverSity Nanjing 210096 China 2. Nanjing UniverSity of AeronauticS and AStronauticS Nanjing 210016 China |
Abstract AbStract Dual Buck inverter is a new topology which has the characteristics of no Shoot-through problem, high reliability and high efficiency. But the output of bridge is bi-polarity PWM waveform and voltage stress is high. To overcome those problems, three level combined SwitcheS are taken to replace diodes of dual buck inverter, then one three-level dual Buck inverter topology which has uni-polarity PWM waveforms output canbe obtained. Due to the use of modified control method combined high frequency PWM with low frequency modulation, the filter of new inverter is reduced and the merits of high efficiency and high reliable is remain at the same time. Experiment verifies those analysis.
Received: 02 November 2010
Published: 07 March 2014
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