Restart Strategy of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Based on Repetitive Narrow Short-Circuit Pulses and High-Order Phase-Locked Loop |
Wu Chun, Kang Lijia, Zheng Luhua, Wu Chenhao |
College of Information Engineering Zhejiang University of Technology Hangzhou 310023 China |
Abstract In some applications with large moment of inertia, permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) drive systems are always required to be capable of a rapid startup when the power source is shut down and then is turned on again during a short time, such as tens of milliseconds. In recent years, scholars have put forward several methods for fast restarting of PMSM drives. However, these methods have not fully considered the rapidity of the restarting process, direct current-bus (dc-bus) voltage pumping up and inrush current influences comprehensively. To address these issues, this article proposes a restart strategy based on repetitive narrow short-circuit pulses and a high-order phase-locked loop (PLL). In the restarting process, the small current magnitude can be controlled by increasing the frequency of the pulse-width modulation (PWM), which can reduce the short-circuit voltage pulse action time and decrease the pumping rate of dc-bus voltage. In addition, the high-order PLL reduces the tracking error of position and speed estimation during acceleration and deceleration processes. First, the increase in the PWM frequency generates narrower short-circuit voltage pulses and smaller current amplitude. Second, by setting a current reference and using two test voltage pulses, the period and the interval of the short-circuit voltage pulses can be adjusted, which can solve the problem of large current ripple due to the traditional fixed voltage pulses at high speeds, and realize that the induced current ripple amplitude is small and controllable in full-speed operations. Third, the third-order PLL is designed to facilitate a rapid and accurate position tracking, as well as continuous estimation of position and speed. Fourth, a current oversampling method is adopted to average phase currents, thereby improving the signal-to-noise ratio of current sampling and the accuracy of position estimation. The experimental results demonstrate that at 2400 r/min, the pumping dc-bus voltages of the conventional double-pulse and the multi-pulse methods within 2.4 ms are 22 V and 7 V, respectively. Meanwhile, that of the proposed method is only 1 V. These results verify the effectiveness of the proposed method in suppressing the pumping voltage. On the other hand, at 900 and 2400 r/min, the traditional double-pulse method shows a steady-state error of the estimated speed, and the dynamic response time of the speed tracking with the conventional PLL are 860 μs and 1.92 ms, respectively. In comparison, the speed tracking time of the proposed method is 670 μs and 1.42 ms, respectively. These results demonstrate that the proposed method is faster in the restart process. Moreover, the proposed restart strategy controls the current amplitude below 5% of the rated current, which suppresses the inrush current and lowers the pumping voltage. Furthermore, it enhances the accuracy of the position and speed estimation, and realizes a rapid restart without inrush current. The following conclusions can be drawn from the experimental results: (1) In comparison with the conventional double-pulse and multi-pulse methods, the proposed method has several advantages including a high PWM frequency, an adaptive adjustment of the zero-voltage width and interval, a reduction in the current ripple, and a deceleration in the pumping dc-bus voltage. (2) The proposed method achieves a narrower short-circuit pulse and a lower current amplitude while enhancing the accuracy of the position and speed estimation, reducing the time required for restarting process, and facilitating the switching process to closed-loop sensorless control without an inrush current.
Received: 08 July 2024
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