Insulation Characterization of Environmentally Friendly Gases for ±400 kV DC Wall Bushing |
Cheng Xian1, Liu Sai1, Ge Guowei1, Chai Yinghui2, Han Shumo1,3, Du Shuai1 |
1. School of Electrical and Information Engineering Zhengzhou University Zhengzhou 450001 China; 2. Pinggao Group Co. Ltd Pingdingshan 467000 China; 3. XJ Group Corporation Xuchang 461000 China |
Abstract ±400 kV DC wall bushing as an important equipment connecting external electric field and internal valve hall, the data of environmentally friendly gases dry air, CO2 and C4F7N (perfluoro isobutyronitrile) gas mixture in the existing research are not fully applicable to DC wall bushing, the research on the insulation characteristics of environmentally friendly gases for the typical electric field structure of DC wall bushing is of great significance. In this paper, firstly, the electric field simulation analysis of ±400 kV DC wall bushing is carried out, and the overall electric field distribution inside the wall bushing is obtained, which is low at both ends and high in the middle, and the maximum value appears in the middle of the arc of the end of the shielding cover of the through-wall cylinder, so that different types of electrodes are designed according to the typical location of the wall bushing in terms of the strength of the electric field and the degree of inhomogeneity. Secondly, the breakdown characteristics of dry air and CO2 with different electrode forms and different electrode distances in the range of 0.5~1.0 MPa and the breakdown characteristics of C4F7N/CO2 gas mixture with different electrode distances under ball-plate electrodes and coaxial electrodes in the range of 0.1~0.6 MPa have been investigated experimentally at positive and negative polarity DC voltage and the three kinds of gases have been compared under the same conditions. The experimental results show that the breakdown voltages of dry air and CO2 and C4F7N/CO2 gas mixture will show saturation phenomenon when the gas pressure is too high; under the same conditions, the insulating property of dry air is 1.18 times higher than that of CO2. Under the sphere plate electrode, the DC negative breakdown voltage of 0.9 MPa dry air can reach 77.2% of the negative breakdown voltage of 0.4 MPa SF6 gas mixture, which can be used for ±400 kV DC wall bushing. Firstly, ±400 kV DC wall bushing is modeled in three dimensions, and finite element electric field simulation analysis and thermal field simulation analysis are carried out on the model, which is equivalent to different electrode types according to the distribution of electric field simulation and the electric field inhomogeneity at each typical position of the DC wall bushing. Secondly, we design and manufacture a set of environmentally friendly gas insulation characteristics test device by ourselves, and then introduce the test circuit principle of DC, and build an environmentally friendly gas insulation characteristics test platform according to the circuit schematic diagram. Finally, the test results are analyzed, and the DC breakdown tests are carried out for dry air, CO2 and C4F7N/CO2 gas mixture under different electrode forms, different air pressures and different electrode distances to obtain the insulating properties of the three gases, and the feasibility of substituting SF6 for the test gases in Wall Bushing is discussed, so as to provide important references for the application of environmentally friendly insulating gases in ±400 kV DC wall bushing It provides an important reference for the application of environmentally friendly insulating gases in ±400 kV DC wall bushing. Based on the breakdown characteristics of the three gases and environmental protection, in ±400 kV DC wall bushing, 0.9 MPa dry air has great potential for application, up to 77.2% of the SF6 breakdown voltage at 0.4 MPa, and the improvement of the breakdown voltage of insulating gases in the wall bushing in the practical application needs to take into account the unevenness of the electric field and the combined effect of space charge.
Received: 18 January 2024
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