A Bi-Level Dispatching Model for Electricity-Hydrogen Integrated Energy System Based on Hydrogen Solidity Transport |
Tan Hong1, Wang Yuwei1, Wang Qiujie1, Li Hui2, Li Zhenxing1 |
1. College of Electrical Engineering and New Energy China Three Gorges University Yichang 443002 China; 2. State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City University of Macau Macau SAR 999078 China |
Abstract Hydrogen, as a high-quality secondary energy source, has diverse sources and wide application scenarios. On the one hand, utilizing solar and wind energy to produce hydrogen can promote large-scale consumption of renewable energy and contribute to deep decarbonization in industry. On the other hand, hydrogen has a high energy density and is convenient for storage and transportation, which helps with cross-regional energy storage. Therefore, building an electricity-hydrogen integrated energy system (EHIES) with electricity and hydrogen as the main energy carriers will contribute to the low-carbon conversion of China's energy system and is an effective way to achieve the full utilization of high proportion renewable energy. In EHIES, hydrogen energy is often transported and stored in gaseous or liquid form. Unfortunately, gaseous hydrogen storage has drawbacks such as low storage density, limited storage and transport capacity, and low transport efficiency. Meanwhile, this method also carries risks of explosion and leakage. Liquid hydrogen needs to be liquefied in ultra-low temperature environments, with high liquefaction energy consumption and difficult to demonstrate economic advantages. The solidity transport of hydrogen, as a transport technology of hydrogen with relatively loose pressure and temperature conditions, has advantages such as high transport efficiency, low cost, and good safety. It has scientific research value for the safe and economical operation of hydrogen energy storage and transport within EHIES. Therefore, this paper proposes an EHIES bi-level dispatching model based on hydrogen for solidity transport. Firstly, the mechanism of metal solidity hydrogen storage is analyzed. Hydrogen loading and unloading models for hydrogen solidity transport vehicle (HSTV) are constructed by utilizing the relationship between the intensity of pressure and reaction temperatures during the gaseity and solidity transform of hydrogen. Then, an improved vehicle routing problem with time windows is adopted to construct a transport model for HSTV. By optimizing the transport routes of HSTV within EHIES using this model, hydrogen can be reasonably allocated from the hydrogen production plant to various hydrogen fueling stations. Finally, according to the membership information gap decision theory (M-IGDT), an EHIES bi-level dispatching model is established and it has further been converted to a single-level problem for solution. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by performing simulation analysis on the improved IEEE 118 system and IEEE 300 system. The following conclusions can be drawn from the simulation results. (1) The proposed dispatching strategy can couple electricity, hydrogen, transport networks, and renewable energy generation, and can collaboratively optimize the operation of the power and hydrogen systems, improving the system economy. (2) HSTV has a large hydrogen carrying capacity, which is 4-5 times that of current high-pressure long tube trailers. Solidity hydrogen transportation has significant economic advantages in hydrogen transport. (3) The M-IGDT can collaborative optimize the uncertainty of renewable energy and the operating costs of EHIES, quantifying the uncertainty of renewable energy from both economic and robust perspectives, and has a positive effect on the economic and reliable operation of EHIES. The changes in electricity and hydrogen prices have not been taken into account in this model. In the market environment, energy prices are jointly determined by various market entities. However, there are complex multiple-game relationships between hydrogen production plants, hydrogen fueling stations, and conventional power entities. The research plan in the future is about the trading strategies and optimal operating schemes for hydrogen fueling stations in the market environment.
Received: 30 January 2024
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