1.Department of Electrical Engineering Xi′an University of Technology Xi′an 710048 China; 2.State Key Lab of Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment Xi′an Jiaotong University Xi′an 710049 China
Abstract High frequency pulsating signal injection (HFPSI) has strong robustness because it′s weak sensitivity for motor parameters variation and measurement errors.It shows favorable estimation performance for interior permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSM) and surface-mounted PMSM at zero or low speed.However,the accuracy of the speed identification is directly related to the filter time constant.The HFPSI with fixed bandwidth filter has a good estimation accuracy only in the narrow speed range,at the same time the fixed bandwidth filter restricts the speed regulation range.A novel method of the HFPSI using the immune algorithm (IA) is proposed in this paper,and the IA is studied on the basis of the immune response system,the IA is also analyzed in this paper.After the IA is applied into HFPSI,the filter time constant can be adjusted on-line in the signal processing,meanwhile the problem that the fixed filter time constant of the HFPSI resulting in narrow speed regulation range can be overcome.The correctness and the effectiveness of the proposed method are verified by the simulation and experimental results.
Yin Zhonggang,Zhang Yanping,Zhang Yanqing等. High Frequency Pulsating Signal Injection for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines Based on Immune Algorithm[J]. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2016, 31(增刊2): 243-254.
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