Abstract The visual efficiency of human eyes under the mesopic vision circumstances is one of the most important research issues on the assessment of visual effect under the same states especially in road lighting. By now different ways have been studied to test and prove that which one, high and low color temperature lamps, can help to provide higher visual efficiency and recognition probability. The paper gives a method for this purpose via testing the target recognition speed in a simulating scene in computer screen. This scene is constructed to match the lighting features of a real road, and meet the mesopic vision condition, with the options of high and low color temperature. Test results give the comparison of visual effect under high and low color temperature in road lighting, which is helpful for the choices of high luminous efficacy LED lamps..
Yuan Jingyu,Shi Zhiwei,Kou Fuli. Research on Visual Effect of High Color Temperature Light under Mesopic Vision Condition[J]. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2013, 28(2增): 247-250.
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