Abstract:The entire arcing process of a vacuum arc can be divided into three stages: arc initiation stage, arc development stage, and arc extinction stage. Different arc control measures have varying effects on the arcing process. Contact rotation influences the arc root state during the ignition of the vacuum arc, thereby altering the motion characteristics of the vacuum arc both on the contact surface and in the inter-contact region. Introducing rotational motion to the conventional mechanically linear-motion-based vacuum switch electrode system enhances the activity of the arc between the contacts. This rapidly transforming the characteristics of the vacuum arc leads to a more efficient dissipation of arc energy within a limited space. The Lucas-Kanade optical flow method is used to track the root position of the arc on the contact surface during the contacts separation scenarios. By analyzing voltage and current curves, the relationship between arc trajectory and arc characteristic transitions is derived. Firstly, this paper presents a vacuum arc trajectory tracking technique founded upon the Lucas-Kanade optical flow method. Position changes of the arc in the next frame are determined by analyzing pixel point variations in arc images between adjacent frames. Secondly, both straight-pull and rotational arcs using the constructed contact-rotation vacuum arc experiment system were conducted. Thirdly, external to the vacuum chamber, inclined-angle recordings were conducted to capture motion images of the vacuum arc root. These images were obtained using an asymmetric contact structure (with a static contact diameter of 15mm and a moving contact diameter of 45 mm). Target tracking technique is applied to monitor the motion trajectory of the vacuum arc. Finally, a comparative analysis of the motion trajectories and area variations of the vacuum arc under both straight-pull and rotational operations is conducted using a colorimetric temperature measurement method. The research conclusions reveal that: (1) During the rapid drop phase in arc current, the current in the rotating arc demonstrates a stepwise reduction, whereas the straight-pull arc exhibits a steep decline. The rotational arc undergoes more intense and rapid variations compared to the straight-pull arc, effectively disrupting the stagnation of arc on the contact surface and facilitating a swift transition to a diffusive arc; during the slow oscillation phase of current, the straight-pull arc displays a larger amplitude of oscillation, leading to irregular and random motion of the arc on the contact surface. In contrast, the rotational arc current tends to stabilize, promoting a smoother and rapid diffusion of the arc along the contact's edge due to the rotational effect. (2) Combining the arc root motion trajectories of straight-pull and rotational arcs, it becomes evident that during the arc development stages, the straight-pull arc displays a higher degree of randomness in its motion on the contact surface. As outlined in the paper, during the restrictive arc transition phase, when arc energy is relatively concentrated, the arc area is larger. Conversely, during the arc diffusion phase, when arc energy is relatively weaker due to its dispersed motion, the arc diffusion area is not as extensive; Meanwhile, under the influence of contact rotation, the rotational arc demonstrates radial motion along the contact's diameter, leading to a notably enhanced diffusion effect. (3) In the vacuum experiment involving contact rotation, the rotational motion of the contact significantly influences the transition of arc characteristics and expedites the extinguishing of the arc.
生鑫, 李争博, 付思, 曹云东. 燃弧过程中真空旋转电弧轨迹追踪与特性[J]. 电工技术学报, 2024, 39(20): 6553-6563.
Sheng Xin, Li Zhengbo, Fu Si, Cao Yundong. Tracking and Characterization of Vacuum Rotating Arc Trajectories during Arc-Firing Process. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2024, 39(20): 6553-6563.
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