Research and Application Progress of Eco-Friendly Gas Insulating Medium C4F7N, Part II: Material Compatibility, Safety and Equipment Development
Li Yi1, Zhang Xiaoxing2, Fu Mingli3, Xiao Song1, Tang Ju2, Tian Shuangshuang2
1. School of Electrical Engineering and Automation Wuhan University Wuhan 430072 China; 2. Hubei Engineering Research Center for Safety Monitoring of New Energy and Power Grid Equipment Hubei University of Technology Wuhan 400068 China; 3. Electric Power Research Institute China Southern Power Grid Guangzhou 510080 China
Abstract:The development of new generation eco-friendly gas insulating equipment to promote the green upgrade of power transmission and distribution equipment manufacturing industry meets the strategic needs of building a clean and low-carbon energy system. In this paper, based on the Review Part I, we focused on the research progress of perfluoroisobutyronitrile (C4F7N) performance at application level. Firstly, current studies on the compatibility of C4F7N with metal and non-metallic materials were summarized. The gas-solid interface stability of C4F7N was also evaluated. Secondly, the biological safety parameters of C4F7N and its gas mixture were analyzed, and relevant targeted application protection suggestions were proposed. Finally, the development of C4F7N based gas insulated power transmission and distribution equipment as well as their application status were reviewed. The main problems and future development trends of eco-friendly gas insulating medium were also prospected.
李祎, 张晓星, 傅明利, 肖淞, 唐炬, 田双双. 环保绝缘气体C4F7N研究及应用进展Ⅱ:相容性、安全性及设备研发[J]. 电工技术学报, 2021, 36(21): 4567-4579.
Li Yi, Zhang Xiaoxing, Fu Mingli, Xiao Song, Tang Ju, Tian Shuangshuang. Research and Application Progress of Eco-Friendly Gas Insulating Medium C4F7N, Part II: Material Compatibility, Safety and Equipment Development. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2021, 36(21): 4567-4579.
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