Micromagnetic Analysis of External and Internal Impact Factors on kHz Level Saturation Magnetization for Nanocrystalline Alloy
Han Zhiyun1, Zou Liang1, Wu Jiale2, Zhang Li1, Zhao Tong1
1. School of Electrical Engineering Shandong University Jinan 250061 China; 2. Guangxi Power Grid Co. Ltd Nanning Power Supply Bureau Nanning 530029 China
Abstract:The mathematical modeling problem of nanocrystalline alloy under kHz level complex high frequency saturation condition is becoming more and more serious due to the lack of fundamental research. In this paper, a three-dimensional spherical mesoscopic model of nanocrystalline alloy (Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9) was established by micromagnetic simulation software OOMMF. The calculated static magnetic characteristic parameters of the model are in good agreement with the experimental results, which validates the correctness of the model. The angular velocity of magnetic moment rotation ω was utilized to indicate the precession of magnetic moment in the process of saturation magnetization. Dynamic saturation and static saturation were both defined quantitatively. Then, the influence mechanism of different changes of external factors (accessional DC bias magnetic field Bd and magnetization frequency f ) and internal factor (grain size d) on saturation magnetization process was investigated. The results indicate that the influence of external and internal factors is different. For external factors, under dynamic saturation conditions, increasing Bd or f both are the effective measures for accelerating magnetic moment rotation, and the effect of increasing Bd is more obvious; under static saturation conditions, increasing Bd or f can no longer accelerate the rotation of the magnetic moment because the nanocrystalline alloy has reached the maximum magnetization speed at that moment. For internal factor, whether under dynamic or static saturation conditions, reducing the grain size will increase the angular moment of magnetic moment rotation of the nanocrystalline alloy, which can accelerate the magnetization process of the nanocrystalline alloy material.
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