Abstract:The power distribution coefficients of parallel inverters system are unchangeable traditionally, which limits the realization of intelligent parallel inverters system. In this paper, in order to achieve flexible power distribution, three-phase parallel inverters system is combined with multi-agent technology. Firstly, the power weighting distribution control technique is investigated based on the analysis of three-phase inverter output impedance in dq0 coordinate. Secondly, according to the primary characteristics of multi-agent system, the reasons and advantages of multi-agents applied to distributed three-phase parallel inverters system are discussed in detail. Then, the flexible power distribution of three-phase parallel inverters system based on multi-agent technology is illustrated. Finally, the experimental results demonstrate that the flexibility and autonomy of power distribution for three-phase parallel inverters system can be realized well by multi-agent technology.
马皓, 林钊, 林燎源. 基于多智能体的三相逆变器并联系统功率灵活分配[J]. 电工技术学报, 2017, 32(2): 216-227.
Ma Hao, Lin Zhao, Lin Liaoyuan. Flexible Power Distribution for Three-Phase Parallel Inverters Based on Multi-Agent Systems. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2017, 32(2): 216-227.
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