Control Method of Nonlinear Power Electronics Systems Based on the Linearized Poincaré Mapping Model
Wang Gang1, Shi Qiaoming2, Fu Lijun1, Ji Feng1, Chen Yuhang
1. National Key Laboratory for Vessel Integrated Power System Technology aval University of Engineering Wuhan 430033 China; 2. Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an 710049 China
Abstract:When analyzing the dynamic performance of the nonlinear power electronics systems, the state space averaging method has lower accuracy and the numerical integration method does not have clear physical concept. Comparatively, the Poincaré mapping analysis method is more accurate and can be expressed with analytic equations to reflect the dynamic response of the state variables at its discrete sampling instant. But further research is still needed for its applications in the system control design. Considering the influence of the control variables, this paper sets forth the linearized Poincaré mapping model for nonlinear power electronics control systems. With system stability margin index as the objective, the control parameters are optimized. This method applies Poincaré mapping model to the system control design and can improve system dynamic performance effectively. Simulation tests verify the validity of the algorithm.
王刚, 侍乔明, 付立军, 纪锋, 陈宇航, 蒋文韬. 基于线性化Poincaré映射模型的非线性电力电子系统控制方法[J]. 电工技术学报, 2015, 30(18): 76-82.
Wang Gang, Shi Qiaoming, Fu Lijun, Ji Feng, Chen Yuhang. Control Method of Nonlinear Power Electronics Systems Based on the Linearized Poincaré Mapping Model. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2015, 30(18): 76-82.
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