Abstract:In order to satisfy comprehensive performance requirement of three phase voltage source rectifier from industries especially for efficiency and watt density, unidirectional hybrid three phase voltage source rectifier(UHTPVSR) is researched by foreign scholars. Different types of UHTPVSR are analyzed so as to promote the study of UHTPVSR, many disadvantages are pointed out and the key problems to solve are put forward in the paper. The above content has reference value for researching UHTPVSR in China.
王久和,张巧杰,宋志宏. 单向混合三相电压型整流器技术[J]. 电工技术学报, 2015, 30(12): 68-75.
Wang Jiuhe,Zhang Qiaojie,Song Zhihong. Unidirectional Hybrid Three Phase Voltage Source Rectifier. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2015, 30(12): 68-75.
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