Abstract:Non-isolated push-pull converter with high efficiency is widely adopted in aeronautic applications due to the superiority of high efficiency, easily controlled system and continuous current. The peak current exists in low-ripple current. The operating modes are added due to leakage inductance. The steady state performance is also affected, which is embodied in the spike of low-ripple current. According to the peak current characteristics, the non-isolated push-pull converters with high efficiency are divided into three types to analyze. Equivalent current sensing method is adopted to avoid the spike disturbance on current sensing, which introduces the current sensing error and reduces the telemetry accuracy. The current sensing error is analyzed to offset telemetry value and enhance telemetry accuracy. Finally, the current sensing error rate of three topologies is compared to verify that the theoretical analysis coincides with experiment results.
陈骞, 郑琼林, 李艳, 邵天骢. 漏感对非隔离高效推挽变换器的影响[J]. 电工技术学报, 2014, 29(4): 46-53.
Chen Qian, Trillion Q. Zheng, Li Yan, Shao Tiancong. Effect of Leakage Inductance on the Non-Isolated Push-Pull Converter with High Efficiency. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2014, 29(4): 46-53.
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