A Novel Control Strategy for Three-Phase Grid-Connected Inverter Based on Space Phase Analysis Under Unbalanced Input Voltage Condition
Xu You1, 2, Zheng Jianyong1, Mei Jun1, Zhang Qingjie1, 2
1. Electrical Engineering School, Southeast University Nanjing 210096 China 2. College of Engineering, Nanjing Agriculture University Nanjing 210031 China
Abstract:Considering unsymmetrical input grid voltage, a novel control strategy for grid-connected inverter based on space phase analysis under unbalanced input voltage condition is developed. This control strategy captures coincidence angle to analyze space phase relationship between positive and negative sequence components of grid voltage. And a proportional discrete integrator controller is designed based on conventional proportional proportional integral (PI) controller which can achieve zero steady-state error control for double power frequency active power and reactive power grid currents. Extraction of positive and negative sequence components of current is not needed any more and the amount calculation is reduced greatly. Experimental results indicate that the control system can eliminate the second harmonic waves of DC voltage and distortion of line currents under unbalanced input grid voltage condition.
徐友, 郑建勇, 梅军, 张卿杰. 空间相位解析的三相并网逆变器不平衡控制策略[J]. 电工技术学报, 2013, 28(4): 133-139.
Xu You, Zheng Jianyong, Mei Jun, Zhang Qingjie. A Novel Control Strategy for Three-Phase Grid-Connected Inverter Based on Space Phase Analysis Under Unbalanced Input Voltage Condition. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2013, 28(4): 133-139.
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