Abstract:Leakage inductance parameters identification is very vital for new converter transformer protection. Because of the particular winding scheme of new converter transformer, a matrix form of leakage parameters is deduced to represent this particularity, meanwhile, and a nonlinear least squares method based on Levenberg-Marquadt algorithm applying on the parameters matrix identification is proposed. Simulation results in normal and various external fault situations show that the leakage parameters can be identified correctly. And the identification errors are small, which are large in internal faults, so the results identified by this method can differentiate internal faults from the former exactly. The identification method of leakage inductance parameters can not only reduce the redundancy of mathematical modeling, identify the parameters matrix quickly and accurately, but also deal with collinear problem in voltage and current data of new converter transformer, so that it can identify the parameters matrix quickly and accurately and avoid falling into local optima in the identification process. The rapidly identification method for leakage inductance parameters of new converter transformer proposed in this paper makes a certain theoretical foundation laid for its further protection research.
赵志宇, 罗隆福, 许加柱, 李勇, 陈清玉, 张杰, 宁志毫. 基于Levenberg-Marquadt的非线性最小二乘新型换流变压器漏感矩阵识别法[J]. 电工技术学报, 2013, 28(4): 212-220.
Zhao Zhiyu, Luo Longfu, Xu Jiazhu, Li Yong, Thanh Ngoc Tran, Zhang Jie, Ning Zhihao. Leakage Inductances Matrix Identification of New Converter Transformer Based on Levenberg-Marquadt Nonlinear Least Squares Algorithm. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2013, 28(4): 212-220.
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