Abstract:A novel slot-less double-sided long-stator linear induction motor is proposed for the application of Electromagnetic Launch. In this motor, the conventional gullet structure is cancelled, and conductive area of the motor stator windings is enlarged, and then the loss and temperature rise is decreased. Based on the finite element simulation and calculation of electromagnetic field, the saturation characteristics of stator leakage inductance and excitation inductance are obtained, and the calculation methods in nonlinear conditions of the motor are displayed. The comparison of experimental and calculation results verifies the validity and superiority of the proposed calculation methods.
许金, 马伟明, 鲁军勇, 孙兆龙, 张育兴. 长定子直线感应电机饱和特性和非线性计算[J]. 电工技术学报, 2012, 27(9): 183-190.
Xu Jin, Ma Weiming, Lu Junyong, Sun Zhaolong, Zhang Yuxing. Saturation Characteristics Analysis and Nonlinear Calculation Methods of Long-Stator Linear Induction Motors. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2012, 27(9): 183-190.
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