Abstract:For the scalability and reliability of the whole system, it has more advantages for several small power inverters parallel than a single high power inverter. This paper proposes a simplified control method based on virtual impedance control loop for the inverters parallel operation. It can balance the current distribution of individual inverters without communication lines, and restrain the internal circulating current. In order to verify the proposed method, the parallel topology of two inverters is introduced in this paper, and the performance of this method is also verified by simulations and experiments.
温春雪, 李正熙. 基于虚拟电阻控制环的并联逆变器简化控制方法[J]. 电工技术学报, 2012, 27(6): 63-68.
Wen Chunxue, Li Zhengxi. A Simplified Control Method of Parallel Inverters Based on Virtual Impedance Control Loop. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2012, 27(6): 63-68.
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